Rain or Shine exists so that creative people can
build systems that support your unique habits
Now you can pour your creative genius into what you actually love

Meet Ela Miranda
the founder of Rain or Shine and the queen of asking ‘why?’

I’m a disabled and neurodivergent creative, and while I’ve spent my whole life chasing non-traditional paths, learning how to build systems that work for ME and how my brain works completely changed the way I worked and the joy I got from that work.
When I first started learning about systems thinking and design, it was easy to assume that the “perfect” system would fix everything. The reality is that assuming something I built once will never change and still work forever just leads to frustration and heartache, and while no system strategist worth their salt will tell you that’s how your systems are meant to be, nobody really explains how that ACTUALLY works.
That’s why everyone who works with us is encouraged to start with Systems Recess: so you have a good base of systems thinking, self compassion, and review before you begin designing and building any systems.
I know how intimidating it can be to invite someone you hardly know into your life and how you work.
So! To level the playing field here’s some of the mess I keep behind the scenes:

When you do begin focusing on whole systems, we encourage taking the time to design your system outside of any specific tools. Yes, financially, it makes sense to pick a software and stick with it. AND: as a creative person, as a neurodivergent person, as a human being who will grow and change, it makes sense to first identify your needs and how and why you’re meeting them, so that if when those methods need to change, you have alternatives ready to go.
Software we frequently use